ODFW Fish Screening Task Force meets in Salem April 19th


SALEM, Ore. – Oregon’s Fish Screening Task Force will meet Friday, April 19, at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE. The meeting will be held from 9am to 5pm, and is open to the public.

The agenda includes updates on the Fish Screening Program, project development and funding, an overview of project permitting challenges, discussion on new programs including prioritization and a Payment In-Lieu Pilot Program, and discussion on maintenance policy associated with fish screening cost share projects. There will also be updates from Task Force members, presentations from ODFW staff, and discussion of future meeting dates and locations.

The seven-member Fish Screening Task Force meets twice annually and as needed, as decided by the Task Force, to advise ODFW on fish screening policies and issues. Task Force members represent agriculture, fishing and conservation, and the general public. Additional information on the Task Force or the ODFW Fish Screening Program is available on the ODFW website or by contacting Ken Loffink, ODFW Fish Screening Program Coordinator, at (503) 947-6256 or [email protected].

Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for individuals requesting assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters or large-print materials. For more information, call Lisa Kingsley Fish Screening and Passage Programs Assistant, at 503-947-6224.




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