Action: Temporarily close Easton Ponds 1 and 2 in Kittitas County to all fishing.
Effective date: March 1 through April 26, 2019.
Species affected: All species
Location: Easton Gravel Pit Ponds 1 and 2 adjacent to the Interstate 90 Easton Exit 71 in Kittitas County.
Reason for action: The Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project managers (Yakama Nation and WDFW) are using the two main gravel pit ponds at Easton to acclimate and release hatchery-reared coho salmon smolts this spring.The temporary closure of the ponds is necessary during the smolt acclimation period. Both ponds will be stocked with catchable trout before reopening.
Information contact: Marc Divens, District Fish Biologist, (509) 457-9301.