Attention Washington Anglers,
Here is one final reminder about this Saturday’s Commission meeting. Click here to read a document prepared by CCA with background information and talking points on the Columbia River policy.
In a recent development, dozens of legislators have weighed in on this very important issue, asking for the Columbia River reforms to be implemented as promised. The House Letter was signed by 36 Representatives and the Senate Letter was signed by 15 Senators! If any of your elected officials signed on to this letter, please send them an email and thank them for their efforts. You can look up your legislators HERE.
In one final update, CCA Washington recently sent a coalition letter to Governor Inslee regarding WDFW’s proposed budget and license fee increase.
Please plan to attend this very important Commission meeting (details below) and wear your CCA red hat.
Date: This Saturday, December 10
Time: The meeting starts at 8:00AM, there will be a break at 9:30AM and the Columbia River portion starts at 10:15AM (agenda here)
Location: Natural Resource Building / 1111 Washington Street SE in Olympia / First Floor – Room 172
Thank you,
Fishaholics NW
Supporters of CCA Washington